
interview series


An interview series with leading CS researchers, filmmakers, and award-winning authors exploring how generative AI is changing the way we create and consume culture.

“What are the metaphors [about AI] that operate at the right level of complexity and simplicity, but are also ethically productive? I’ve always liked thoughtful, wacky provocations and experiments in the legacy of speculative design towards these ends.” - Ziv Epstein

“The question of how I, as a writer, should engage with AI has to do partly with questions of beauty and partly to do with questions of politics.” - Vauhini Vara

“It doesn’t take a lot to imagine AI tools that spit out a finished product, so that the film will be malleable until the very end. There’s this phrase “films aren’t finished, they’re abandoned.” But what if they were never finished in the first place? The strangest thing is that movies might continue on to have their own weird life.” - Jeff Desom